Dr. Dean [author of the BVA] with Isaac Kashiwagi is visiting the Netherlands on April 1 – 5, 2019 to give the latest updates in the Best Value Approach (BVA). The last year has had exciting developments in the BVA. ...
People can be categorized in one or two ways – observant or non-observant. According to Dr. Dean Kashiwagi, it is non-observant people that cause risk and inefficiency in an organization by not looking at their surroundings to understand what they...
Dr. Dean and Jacob had a wonderful week in October visiting the Netherlands. An “A” certification day was spent with 5 BVA experts to update them on the latest developments of the BVA and have them certified by reviewing their...
We are very excited for the fall and 2019 BVA certification/education in Tempe AZ [Jan 15-19, 2019]. As always, the conference will bring a new book focused on the latest improvements.
Performance Based Studies Research Group (PBSRG)
PBSRG.com has been moved from...
The Best Value Conference will be held from Jan 14-18th, 2019. Professionals from all over the world converge to experience a unique education from the best in the industry. The conference is the international headquarters for experts looking to cut...