
Upcoming Events

Minnesota Best Value Certification Training

08/21/2024 - Rochester, MN

The Rochester Public Schools will be hosting a BV education and certification training. The training will have all the latest updates on the approach.

ISM Pittsburgh – Virtual Presentation

08/29/2024 - ,

Dr. Dean will be presenting at a virtual event for the chapter! He has his latest research in the future of supply chain management!

Colorado State University – Best Value Training

09/09/2024 - 09/13/2024 - Fort Collins,

The Colorado State University is hosting a training for the government organizations in the area!

NIGP Detroit – Online Presentation

10/03/2024 - ,

Dr. Dean will be presenting at one of the sessions with his latest research in Procurement.

2025 VIRTUAL Best Value Conference

01/06/2025 - 01/10/2025 - ,

The Best Value Conference is a gathering of experts from around the world who want to use the Best Value Approach to be successful!