If you obtained your Best Value certificate more than three years ago, you can consider refreshing your knowledge. This can be done by following a Best Value refresh training.
As of this year, there are two ways to update your knowledge exclusively through Mars Procurement Advice.
Option 1: In cooperation with Dean and Isaac Kashiwagi, the refresher course can be followed fully digitally and completed with an exam. After registration you will have access to the website with English-language videos, in addition you will receive five books (Dutch or English) in hard copy and / or as an e-book. If you have taken the material you can register for the exam and you will have access to the exam site. You must have taken the exam within four months of registration. You can immediately see whether you have passed or not and which questions you have answered correctly.
The costs for this training are € 574.00 excluding VAT. The course price includes all materials and access to the internet pages and certificate.
Option 2: If you do not feel like online training, you can opt for the regular refresh training.
During this 1 day training we look back at what Best Value is, the method, philosophy, method and so on. This training is given by one or two highly experienced Best Value Experts, who are A / A + certified
The costs for this training are € 650.00 ex VAT. This includes the books, buffet lunch, sheets, certificate, coffee, tea and so on.
In the fall there are two dates on which the 1 day training will be given, September 28 or October 5, 2020. This will be held in Beekbergen. September 28 is fully booked. You can also be put on the waiting list.
The following applies to both options: If you pass you will be included in the international register of B / B + certified, https://pbsrg.com/courses/
For information erik@marsinkoopadvies.nl
Indicate in your statement whether you choose option 1 or 2. If you choose 2, indicate which date you want to be present.