News & Press

Today’s procurement tip is on minimum standards. As the buyer defines their requirements, they are apt to set minimum standards. Minimum standards have become common practice in the industry as a means...

Tappan Zee Constructors (TZC) consisting of Flour, American Bridge, Traylor Bros and Granite Construction, has filed a lawsuit against the New York State Thruway Authority seeking $961 million for extra costs related...

The information communications technology (ICT) industry has had perceived performance issues for years. Performance issues have been identified as early as 1969 when in a NATO software engineering conference...

One comment we often get from professionals is: “This process could save my organization lots of money, but I don’t have approval to run it.” Dr. Dean Kashiwagi, usually responds by asking them a question: “Do you need approval to...

Professionals become excited about the benefits of the approach. The results and documentation make it a no-brainer to use in their organization but there is one big question that remains “How can we implement it in our own organization?”....