ISM Nebraska – Virtual Presentation

About this event

The Nebraska Chapter was established in 1922 and has grown to a membership of about 300. Our members are employed by manufacturing, educational institutes, medical, public power, transportation and service industries.


We want to provide information to our members to give them the tools and answers they need to help them with their jobs.  ISM-Nebraska and ISM-National both provide critical economic forecasting trends, as well as strategic information, not available from other sources.


Educational activities are open to all members of ISM-Nebraska and to any member of co-sponsoring organizations (with proper proof of membership). Membership is open to anyone interested in the field of supply management, purchasing and supply management research, value analysis, inventory control, materials management, or any other activity or related functions. There are no barriers to full participation on the basis of ethnic background, gender, creed, age, sexual orientation, national origin or disability.


Dr. Dean will be presenting at one of the virtual meetings with his latest research in Supply Chain Management on September 19, 2022.


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